
In the past we defined time differently—by the sun, by our meals, by the harvest, by our leaders.  Only since railroads have we lived by a standardized, objective sense of time.

Whereas once time was defined by event or change, with technology a new state was created:  knowledge of a continuity of life with only the possibility of change.

Like refined sugar and sitting and typing, might time not be an unhealthy modern convenience?

We have three responses:

1.     Anxiety. A state of focus on an approaching future and the acute awareness that it is uncontrolled, unpredictable.

2.     Depression. A state in which the future offers no hope of change.

3.     Enhancement. All addictions are to the present. Drugs (sex, caffeine, television and cutting included) increase awareness, duration and enjoyment of the present, or at least mindless unawareness of the passage of time.

There’s a call to arms somewhere in here, a manifesto to be written, for the Army of Time Reclamation.